
Special UUIDs#





Variant 10xx#

This factory can create UUID versions 1-8. Version 2 can be considered legacy and should not be used in any non-legacy purposes. Versions 1 and 6 are not recommended either.

Version 1#

Changed in version 3.1: Passing DateTime / DateTimeImmutable is allowed

Changed in version 4.0: $clock is renamed to $timestamp. Passing int / float timestamps is allowed

Added in version 4.0: $clockSequence


float timestamps are internally converted to DateTime so precision below 1 microsecond is still not achievable.


Set a node if needed, a random one will be used if not set. You can set a timestamp by using an instance of DateTimeInterface or Psr\Clock\ClockInterface, a clock sequence value by using an integer in range 0-16’383, also you can override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer:


use Arokettu\Uuid\Nodes\StaticNode;
use Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$uuid = UuidFactory::v1(); // some random UUID

// nothing random
$node = StaticNode::fromHex('1234567890ab');
$time = new DateTime('2023-10-30 12:00 UTC');
$seq = 123;
$uuid = UuidFactory::v1($node, $seq, $time);

var_dump($uuid->toString()); // d9fb2000-771b-11ee-807b-1334567890ab

// use RNG to get predictable random clock sequence and node values
$rng = new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123));
$time = new DateTime('2023-10-30 12:00 UTC');
$uuid = UuidFactory::v1(timestamp: $time, randomizer: $rng);

var_dump($uuid->toString()); // d9fb2000-771b-11ee-a9f9-5f4d6d65c7e3

Version 2#

Added in version 2.3.

Changed in version 3.1: Passing DateTime / DateTimeImmutable is allowed

Changed in version 4.0: $clock is renamed to $timestamp. Passing int / float timestamps is allowed

Added in version 4.0: $clockSequence

Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory::v2($domain, $identifier, $node)


This is a legacy version and it should not be used. There is a high chance of generating a same ID unless a random node is used.

Version 2 requires domain (8 bit unsigned) and identifier (32 bit unsigned) values.

Set a node if needed, a random one will be used if not set. You can set a timestamp by using an instance of DateTimeInterface or Psr\Clock\ClockInterface, a clock sequence value by using an integer in range 0-63, also you can override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer:


use Arokettu\Uuid\DceSecurity\Domains;
use Arokettu\Uuid\Nodes\StaticNode;
use Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$uuid = UuidFactory::v2(Domains::GROUP, posix_getgid()); // some GID based UUID

// nothing random
$node = StaticNode::fromHex('1234567890ab');
$time = new DateTime('2023-10-30 12:00 UTC');
$seq = 23;
$domain = Domains::PERSON;
$identifier = posix_getuid(); // usually 1000 for most default groups on modern Linuxes
$uuid = UuidFactory::v2($domain, $identifier, $node, $seq, $time);

var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 000003e8-771b-21ee-9700-1334567890ab

// use RNG to get predictable random clock sequence and node values
$rng = new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123));
// reusing $time, $domain, $identifier
$uuid = UuidFactory::v2($domain, $identifier, timestamp: $time, randomizer: $rng);

var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 000003e8-771b-21ee-b900-5f4d6d65c7e3

Version 3#

Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory::v3($namespace, $identifier)

Version 3 is created from an UUID namespace and a string identifier:


use Arokettu\Uuid\Namespaces\UuidNamespace;
use Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory;
use Arokettu\Uuid\UuidParser;

$uuid = UuidFactory::v3(
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 09e0a238-92c9-32b2-93c1-d805976f6890

// use a predefined namespace
$uuid = UuidFactory::v3(UuidNamespace::URL, 'http://example.com');
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // d632b50c-7913-3137-ae9a-2d93f56e70d5

Version 4#


No input data, just randomness. You can override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer:


use Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$uuid = UuidFactory::v4();
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // some random uuid

// predictable UUID for testing
$uuid = UuidFactory::v4(randomizer: new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123)));
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // f969a0d1-a18f-4a32-9e4d-6d65c7e335f8

Version 5#

Version 5 is created from an UUID namespace and a string identifier.

Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory::v5($namespace, $identifier)


use Arokettu\Uuid\Namespaces\UuidNamespace;
use Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory;
use Arokettu\Uuid\UuidParser;

$uuid = UuidFactory::v5(
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 741b80e9-31e6-51fb-8c95-07f2d392e98f

// use a predefined namespace
$uuid = UuidFactory::v5(UuidNamespace::URL, 'http://example.com');
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 8c9ddcb0-8084-5a7f-a988-1095ab18b5df

Version 6#

Changed in version 3.1: Passing DateTime / DateTimeImmutable is allowed

Changed in version 4.0: $clock is renamed to $timestamp. Passing int / float timestamps is allowed

Added in version 4.0: $clockSequence


float timestamps are internally converted to DateTime so precision below 1 microsecond is still not achievable.


Set a node if needed, a random one will be used if not set. You can set a timestamp by using an instance of DateTimeInterface or Psr\Clock\ClockInterface, a clock sequence value by using an integer in range 0-16’383, also you can override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer:


use Arokettu\Uuid\Nodes\StaticNode;
use Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$uuid = UuidFactory::v6(); // some random UUID

// nothing random
$node = StaticNode::fromHex('1234567890ab');
$time = new DateTime('2023-10-30 12:00 UTC');
$seq = 123;
$uuid = UuidFactory::v6($node, $seq, $time);

var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 1ee771bd-9fb2-6000-807b-1334567890ab

// use RNG to get predictable random clock sequence and node values
$rng = new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123));
$time = new DateTime('2023-10-30 12:00 UTC');
$uuid = UuidFactory::v6(timestamp: $time, randomizer: $rng);

var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 1ee771bd-9fb2-6000-a9f9-5f4d6d65c7e3

Version 7#

Changed in version 3.1: Passing DateTime / DateTimeImmutable is allowed

Changed in version 4.0: $clock is renamed to $timestamp. Passing int / float timestamps is allowed


You can set a timestamp by using an instance of DateTimeInterface or Psr\Clock\ClockInterface, also you can override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer:


use Arokettu\Clock\StaticClock;
use Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$uuid = UuidFactory::v7();
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // some random uuid

// predictable UUID for testing
$uuid = UuidFactory::v7(
    timestamp: new DateTime('2023-07-07 12:00 UTC'),
    randomizer: new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123)),
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 01893039-2a00-7969-9e4d-6d65c7e335f8

Version 8#


Version 8 is reserved for custom implementations. The factory accepts any sequence of 16 bytes, overwriting only variant and version bits:


use Arokettu\Uuid\UuidFactory;

$uuid = UuidFactory::v8('any 16bytes here');
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 616e7920-3136-8279-b465-732068657265

// example: experimental namespace UUID based on sha3
$hash = hash_hmac('sha3-224', 'test', 'namespace', binary: true);
$uuid = UuidFactory::v8(substr($hash, 0, 16));
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // ab2a3a38-30a3-8def-89cd-72e79f1a5423


Changed in version 3.1: Passing DateTime / DateTimeImmutable is allowed

Changed in version 4.0: $clock is renamed to $timestamp. Passing int / float timestamps is allowed


You can set a timestamp by using an instance of DateTimeInterface or Psr\Clock\ClockInterface, also you can override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer:


use Arokettu\Clock\StaticClock;
use Arokettu\Uuid\UlidFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$uuid = UlidFactory::ulid();
var_dump($uuid->toString()); // some random ulid

// predictable ULID for testing
$ulid = UlidFactory::ulid(
    timestamp: new DateTime('2023-07-07 12:00 UTC'),
    randomizer: new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123)),
var_dump($ulid->toString()); // 01H4R3JAG0Z5MT1MD1HXD34QJD


Sequences are designed to be used in a case where you need a lot of UUIDs in a single process. Sequences for UUIDv1, v6, v7, and ULID also enforce extra monotonicity for IDs created in the same millisecond/microsecond. There are no sequences for UUIDv3 and UUIDv5 because they are not sequential by nature. The sequences are designed to provide a continuous supply of IDs, advancing the timestamp when counters overflow. All sequences implement Traversable.


use Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory;

$seq = SequenceFactory::v7();

foreach ($seq as $uuid) {
    echo $uuid, PHP_EOL; // infinite supply of monotonic UUIDs


Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory::v1($node, $clockSequence) Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory::v1FromPrototype(UuidV1|UuidV6 $prototype)

This sequence uses the lowest decimal of the timestamp as a counter. The sequence is initialized with a randomly generated static node ID and randomly generated static clock sequence. Pass an instance of Arokettu\Uuid\Nodes\Node to override the node strategy. Pass the integer clock sequence value to use a predefined clock sequence or a special Arokettu\Uuid\ClockSequences\ClockSequence::Random object to generate a new clock sequence value for every UUID.

The prototype factory allows you to preset a node and a clock sequence from an existing UUID.

Like with the regular factory you can set a timestamp by using an instance of Psr\Clock\ClockInterface and override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer.


Randomizer is only used if you have random/randomly initialized node or random/randomly initialized clock sequence.


use Arokettu\Clock\StaticClock;
use Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$seq = SequenceFactory::v1(
    clock: new StaticClock(new DateTime('2023-07-07 12:00 UTC')),
    randomizer: new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123)),

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    echo $seq->next(), PHP_EOL;

// cc79e000-1cbd-11ee-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// cc79e001-1cbd-11ee-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// cc79e002-1cbd-11ee-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// cc79e003-1cbd-11ee-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// cc79e004-1cbd-11ee-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// cc79e005-1cbd-11ee-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// cc79e006-1cbd-11ee-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// cc79e007-1cbd-11ee-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// cc79e008-1cbd-11ee-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// cc79e009-1cbd-11ee-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f



Just a sequence of random UUIDv4. This sequence is not monotonic and exists only for convenience.

Like with the regular factory you can override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer.


use Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$seq = SequenceFactory::v4(
    randomizer: new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123)),

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    echo $seq->next(), PHP_EOL;

// f969a0d1-a18f-4a32-9e4d-6d65c7e335f8
// 2fa6f2c3-462b-4a77-8682-cfaa99028220
// de789d95-b3d8-4856-aa28-295af8ebf9ff
// 1b75f844-9b23-4260-951a-7e9d570a1aa8
// d4df5c6d-af02-43c2-b05c-234f8095766f
// ba374ea8-3797-47a6-8d48-f3844e4600c4
// c52aff91-89fc-4e09-b434-29e798cd8c51
// 704cae21-5dcb-4ca9-93b3-3da29b3d812f
// 3405283f-75a9-4a52-a645-4ba0df565fbc
// efebcd8e-c7ea-4486-8f66-63a8e581821f


Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory::v6($node, $clockSequence) Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory::v6FromPrototype(UuidV1|UuidV6 $prototype)

This sequence uses the lowest decimal of the timestamp as a counter. The sequence is initialized with a randomly generated static node ID and randomly generated static clock sequence. Pass an instance of Arokettu\Uuid\Nodes\Node to override the node strategy. Pass the integer clock sequence value to use a predefined clock sequence or a special Arokettu\Uuid\ClockSequences\ClockSequence::Random object to generate a new clock sequence value for every UUID.

The prototype factory allows you to preset a node and a clock sequence from an existing UUID.

Like with the regular factory you can set a timestamp by using an instance of Psr\Clock\ClockInterface and override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer.


use Arokettu\Clock\StaticClock;
use Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$seq = SequenceFactory::v6(
    clock: new StaticClock(new DateTime('2023-07-07 12:00 UTC')),
    randomizer: new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123)),

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    echo $seq->next(), PHP_EOL;

// 1ee1cbdc-c79e-6000-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// 1ee1cbdc-c79e-6001-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// 1ee1cbdc-c79e-6002-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// 1ee1cbdc-c79e-6003-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// 1ee1cbdc-c79e-6004-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// 1ee1cbdc-c79e-6005-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// 1ee1cbdc-c79e-6006-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// 1ee1cbdc-c79e-6007-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// 1ee1cbdc-c79e-6008-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f
// 1ee1cbdc-c79e-6009-8d5e-f969a0d1a18f

UUIDv7 (short)#

Added in version 3.0: v7Short

Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory::v7() Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory::v7Short()

The chosen algorithm is 12 bit counter in rand_a + random ‘tail’ in rand_b as described in RFC 9562 6.2 Method 1. It gives a guaranteed sequence of 2049 UUIDs per millisecond (actual number is random, up to 4096) that are highly unguessable.

Like with the regular factory you can set a timestamp by using an instance of Psr\Clock\ClockInterface and override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer.


use Arokettu\Clock\StaticClock;
use Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$seq = SequenceFactory::v7(
    clock: new StaticClock(new DateTime('2023-07-07 12:00 UTC')),
    randomizer: new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123)),

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    echo $seq->next(), PHP_EOL;

// 01893039-2a00-71f9-9e4d-6d65c7e335f8
// 01893039-2a00-71fa-afa6-f2c3462baa77
// 01893039-2a00-71fb-8682-cfaa99028220
// 01893039-2a00-71fc-9e78-9d95b3d87856
// 01893039-2a00-71fd-aa28-295af8ebf9ff
// 01893039-2a00-71fe-9b75-f8449b23c260
// 01893039-2a00-71ff-951a-7e9d570a1aa8
// 01893039-2a00-7200-94df-5c6daf02d3c2
// 01893039-2a00-7201-b05c-234f8095766f
// 01893039-2a00-7202-ba37-4ea83797f7a6

UUIDv7 (long) and ULID#

Added in version 3.0: v7Long

  • Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory::v7Long()

  • Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory::ulid($uuidV7Compatible = false)

The algorithm is a simplified version of ULID standard algo, having the whole rand_a + rand_b as a counter, that also aligns with RFC 9562 6.2 Method 2. The simplification is that only the lowest 48 bits act as a proper counter to simplify the implementation. Each iteration increments with 24 bits of randomness resulting in approximately 8’388’608 ids/msec. This sequence is moderately unguessable.

Like with the regular factory you can set a timestamp by using an instance of Psr\Clock\ClockInterface and override RNG by passing an instance of Random\Randomizer.



use Arokettu\Clock\StaticClock;
use Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$seq = SequenceFactory::v7Long(
    clock: new StaticClock(new DateTime('2023-07-07 12:00 UTC')),
    randomizer: new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123)),

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    echo $seq->next(), PHP_EOL;

// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d5ef2a62f
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d5fc228e0
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d605fa254
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d6088cb19
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d61814079
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d61ff5b6c
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d625c3bae
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d627f986e
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d62cdd0d1
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d63c119a3



use Arokettu\Clock\StaticClock;
use Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$seq = SequenceFactory::ulid(
    clock: new StaticClock(new DateTime('2023-07-07 12:00 UTC')),
    randomizer: new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123)),

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    echo $seq->next(), PHP_EOL;


$uuidV7Compatible param allows you to create ULIDs that are bit-compatible with UUIDv7 by setting proper version and variant bits:


use Arokettu\Clock\StaticClock;
use Arokettu\Uuid\SequenceFactory;
use Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar;
use Random\Randomizer;

$seq = SequenceFactory::ulid(
    true, // build with proper bits
    clock: new StaticClock(new DateTime('2023-07-07 12:00 UTC')),
    randomizer: new Randomizer(new Xoshiro256StarStar(123)),

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    echo $seq->next()->toUuidV7(), PHP_EOL;

// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d5ef2a62f
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d5fc228e0
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d605fa254
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d6088cb19
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d61814079
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d61ff5b6c
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d625c3bae
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d627f986e
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d62cdd0d1
// 01893039-2a00-7969-a0d1-6d4d63c119a3

Custom UUIDs#


A factory for useful nonstandard UUIDs.

Sha256-based Namespace#

Arokettu\Uuid\NonStandard\CustomUuidFactory::sha256($namespace, $identifier)

A namespace type UUID similar to versions 3 and 5 but using sha256 as a hashing function. The factory creates an instance of UUIDv8. This method is shown in RFC 9562 B.2 example.


use Arokettu\Uuid\Namespaces\UuidNamespace;
use Arokettu\Uuid\NonStandard\CustomUuidFactory;

echo CustomUuidFactory::sha256(
)->toString(); // 5c146b14-3c52-8afd-938a-375d0df1fbf6