Revised Julian (Milanković) Calendar¶
Revised Julian calendar:
Proleptic Revised Julian calendar is implemented by milankovic()
helper and MilankovicCalendar
Years are assumed to be in the astronomical notation. (1 AD
is 1
, 1 BC
is 0
, 2 BC
is -1
The date range is -5884328-11-22
to 5874902-11-21
for a 32-bit system
and -25252754133241402-01-01
to 25252754133231977-10-12
on a 64-bit system.
You can create an instance of date from either date components or a Y-m-d
string format (years can be negative):
use Arokettu\Date\MilankovicCalendar;
use Arokettu\Date\Month;
$date = MilankovicCalendar::create(2900, 2, 29);
// or use a month object
$date = MilankovicCalendar::create(2900, Month::February, 29);
// or parse Y-m-d
$date = MilankovicCalendar::parse('2900-02-29');
// years may be negative and leading zeroes are ignored
$date = MilankovicCalendar::parse('-5000-2-000001'); // works too!
There are getters for day, month, year, string representation and array representation:
use Arokettu\Date\JulianCalendar;
$date = MilankovicCalendar::parse('2900-02-29');
$date->milankovic()->getDay(); // 29
$date->milankovic()->getMonth(); // Month::February
$date->milankovic()->getMonthNumber(); // 2
$date->milankovic()->getYear(); // 2900
$date->milankovic()->getDateArray(); // [$y, $m, $d]: [2900, 2, 29]
$date->milankovic()->toString(); // Y-m-d: 2900-02-29