Date Object¶
The Date
object is immutable.
Internally it only contains the set Julian day integer.
The Calendar
class contains factories for the Gregorian calendar and DateTime interoperability.
You can add or subtract days:
use Arokettu\Date\Calendar;
use Arokettu\Date\Date;
$date = Calendar::parse('2012-12-21');
echo $date->add(100); // 2013-03-31, 100 days after the apocalypse
echo $date->subDays(100); // 2012-09-12 // = echo $date->add(-100);
$today = Date::today();
// days since the apocalypse :D
echo $today->sub($date); // 4085 as of Feb 27, 2024
Calendar Agnostic Methods¶
Gets a current date for the default or specific time zone:
use Arokettu\Date\Date;
echo Date::today(); // current system date
echo Date::today(new DateTimeZone('Asia/Tokyo')); // current date in Tokyo
Week day can be retrieved as an instance of the WeekDay enum or as a number (1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday):
use Arokettu\Date\Date;
$date = Date::today();
$date->getWeekDay(); // like WeekDay::Tuesday
$date->getWeekDayNumber(); // 2 == WeekDay::Tuesday->value
DateTime Interoperability¶
Import/Export date from DateTime objects.
Create an instance of Date from an instance of DateTimeInterface or by using DateTime’s own parser:
use Arokettu\Date\Calendar;
$dt = new DateTime('Feb 28, 2024');
$date = Calendar::fromDateTime($dt);
// or
$date = Calendar::parseDateTimeString('Feb 28, 2024');
// or any other expression DateTime supports:
$date = Calendar::parseDateTimeString('tomorrow');
// including iso week date:
$date = Calendar::parseDateTimeString('2021-W36-7');
Get a DateTimeImmutable object corresponding to midnight at a given date in a default or a specified time zone:
$date->toDateTime(); // timestamp at given date midnight system time
$date->toDateTime(new DateTimeZone('Asia/Tokyo')); // timestamp at given date midnight Tokyo
Also a formatter shortcut is available:
// equivalent to
// note that it can handle ISO week date too: