Versioned Info Fields#

New in version 5.0.

Torrent File Version 1#

As described in BEP-3.

Info Hash#

A method to get info hashes of the torrent file.

A method to get v1 info hash of the torrent file.

$infoHash = $torrent->v1()->getInfoHash(); // hex
$infoHash = $torrent->v1()->getInfoHash(true); // binary

Directory or File#

A method to check if a directory or a file is encoded.

$isDirectory = $torrent->v1()->isDirectory();

File List#

Files class is a flat list of files, ordered by their order in the pieces hash.

$files = $torrent->v1()->getFiles();

Files is iterable (IteratorAggregate):

foreach ($files as $file) {
    // ...

// if you need to see hidden pad files for whatever reason:
foreach ($files->getIterator(true) as $file) {
    // ...

File object is a simple value object:

$file->name; // file base name
$file->path; // full path as array
$file->length; // file size
$file->attributes; // Attributes object
$file->sha1; // sha1 sum in hex
$file->sha1bin; // sha1 sum in binary
$file->symlinkPath; // symlink path if $file->attibutes->symlink

For attributes object see types section.

Torrent File Version 2#

As described in BEP-52.

Info Hash#

A method to get v2 info hash of the torrent file.

$infoHash = $torrent->v2()->getInfoHash(); // hex
$infoHash = $torrent->v2()->getInfoHash(true); // binary

Directory or File#

A method to check if a directory or a file is encoded.

$isDirectory = $torrent->v2()->isDirectory();

File Tree#

File Tree class is a tree of files implementing RecursiveIterator.

$fileTree = $torrent->v2()->getFileTree();

Iterate over files:

$i = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($fileTree);
foreach ($i as $file) {
    // ...

File object is a simple value object:

$file->name; // file base name
$file->path; // full path as array
$file->length; // file size
$file->attributes; // Attributes object
$file->piecesRoot; // merkle tree pieces root in hex
$file->piecesRootBin; // merkle tree pieces root in binary
$file->symlinkPath; // symlink path if $file->attibutes->symlink

For attributes object see types section.