Creation and Modification

Creation and Modification#

Torrent Creation#

torrent-file create [-o|--output OUTPUT] [--metadata-version METADATA-VERSION]
    [--detect-exec|--no-detect-exec] [--detect-symlinks|--no-detect-symlinks]
    [--piece-length PIECE-LENGTH] [--name NAME] [--private|--no-private]
    [--comment COMMENT|--no-comment] [--created-by CREATED-BY|--no-created-by]
    [--creation-date CREATION-DATE|--no-creation-date]
    [--announce ANNOUNCE|--no-announce]
    [--announce-list ANNOUNCE-LIST|--no-announce-list] [--] <path>



A path to a directory or a file to be put in torrent


--output, -o OUTPUT

A path to the torrent file to be created, if not specified, .torrent will be added to the path


Version of the torrent file to create. 1 for a version 1 torrent, still the most widely used. 2 for a version 2 torrent, relatively new and not widely supported yet. 1+2 for a hybrid torrent file that can be used as both v1 and v2. Default: 1+2.

--detect-exec, --no-detect-exec

Detect executable attribute and mark it in a torrent file or not. Default: --detect-exec

--detect-symlinks, --no-detect-symlinks

Detect symlinks and apply them in the torrent file. Default: --no-detect-symlinks

--piece-length PIECE-LENGTH

Torrent piece length in bytes. Must be a power of 2 and at least 16KiB. It can be written with K suffix for KiB and M for MiB. Default: 512K

See Common Options section for options common to creation and modification.

Torrent Modification#

torrent-file modify [-o|--output OUTPUT] [--name NAME] [--private|--no-private]
    [--comment COMMENT|--no-comment] [--created-by CREATED-BY|--no-created-by]
    [--creation-date CREATION-DATE|--no-creation-date] [--announce ANNOUNCE|--no-announce]
    [--announce-list ANNOUNCE-LIST|--no-announce-list] [--] <file>



A path to a torrent file to be modified


--output, -o OUTPUT

A path for the updated torrent file to be saved, if not specified, the original file will be overwritten.

See Common Options section for options common to creation and modification.

Common Options#

A list of options common to create and modify

--name NAME

A name for the torrent file. Changing the name will change the checksum of the torrent file so it will be considered a different file. On creation if not set, the name will be set to the basename of the specified path. The name cannot be unset.

--private, --no-private

Set/unset the private flag. Changing the private flag will change the checksum of the torrent file so it will be considered a different file.

--comment COMMENT, --no-comment

Set/unset the description of the torrent file.

--created-by CREATED-BY, --no-created-by

Set/unset the ‘created by’ field of the torrent file. On creation if not set or explicitly unset, it will be set to the CLI tool banner.

--creation-date CREATION-DATE, --no-creation-date

Set/unset the creation time of the torrent file. It can be a UNIX timestamp or any format that PHP accepts. RFC 3339 format is recommended ("2022-06-02T16:58:35+00:00"). On creation if not set or explicitly unset, the current system time will be used.

--announce ANNOUNCE, --no-announce

Set/unset the announce url of the torrent file. (The only or main-ish tracker)

--announce-list ANNOUNCE-LIST, --no-announce-list

Set/unset the tiered list of announce urls. A comma separated list of trackers for a single announce list tier. Use multiple times to create multiple tiers. If used even once, the old announce list is removed.