


function \Arokettu\IsResource\is_resource(mixed $value): bool;

The function returns true if $value is

  • a resource

  • an object that was a resource in earlier PHP versions



function \Arokettu\IsResource\get_resource_type(resource|object $resource): string;

The function returns the resource type string if $resource is

  • a resource

  • an object that was a resource in earlier PHP versions

In other cases the behavior falls back to the default \get_resource_type() behavior:

  • in PHP < 8.0: return null + issue E_WARNING

  • in PHP >= 8.0: throw TypeError



function \Arokettu\IsResource\try_get_resource_type(mixed $resource): string|null;

A useful shortcut to check the resource type. It returns null in case the resource was not recognized.


use function Arokettu\IsResource\try_get_resource_type;

// was:
if (is_resource($conn) && get_resource_type($conn) === 'pgsql link') {
    // ...

// With PHP 8.1 this transforms to:
if (
    is_resource($conn) && get_resource_type($conn) === 'pgsql link' ||
    $conn instanceof PgSql\Connection
) {
    // ...

// but with try_get_resource_type() from this library it's just this:
if (try_get_resource_type($conn) === 'pgsql link') {
    // ...