UUID Versions ############# .. highlight:: php .. danger:: If you use UUIDs as security tokens, well, first, please reconsider, but if you absolutely have to, use UUIDv4 with the Secure random engine:: toUuidV6(); var_dump($uuid6->toString()); // 1d19dad6-ba7b-6811-80b4-00c04fd430c8 Version 2 --------- .. versionadded:: 2.3 ``getDomain()`` and ``getIdentifier()`` ``Arokettu\Uuid\UuidV2``. "DCE security" legacy UUID. Preferably they should never be used. The class implements ``TimeBasedUuid`` interface with 429'496'729'600 nsec precision (approximately 7 minutes) due to truncated timestamp field compared to V1. The range is ``1582-10-15 00:00:00.0 +00:00`` -- ``5236-03-31 21:13:51.187968 +00:00``. The library allows you to retrieve domain and identifier values:: getDomain()); // 0 var_dump($uuid->getIdentifier()); // 1234 .. warning:: Identifier is an unsigned 32-bit value, it is possible to get an overflow error on a 32-bit system. Version 3 --------- ``Arokettu\Uuid\UuidV3``. MD5 based namespace UUID. Version 4 --------- ``Arokettu\Uuid\UuidV4``. Random UUID. This is the recommended version if you don't need monotonicity. Version 5 --------- ``Arokettu\Uuid\UuidV5``. SHA1 based namespace UUID. Version 6 --------- ``Arokettu\Uuid\UuidV6``. Basically a rearrangement of UUIDv1 fields. They are mostly useful as a conversion from UUIDv1. The class implements ``TimeBasedUuid`` interface. UUIDv6 timestamp is measured to 100 nsec precision which is more than DateTime can handle therefore the returned value will be truncated by one decimal. The range is ``1582-10-15 00:00:00.0 +00:00`` -- ``5236-03-31 21:21:00.684697 +00:00``. UUIDv6 can be rearranged without loss of any data and precision into a legacy UUIDv1. Use the ``toUuidV1()`` method for that:: toUuidV1(); var_dump($uuid1->toString()); // 6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8 Version 7 --------- ``Arokettu\Uuid\UuidV7``. A lexicographically monotonic version. This is the recommended version if you do need monotonicity. UUIDv7 was designed after ULID and shares the timestamp structure with it. The class implements ``TimeBasedUuid`` interface with millisecond precision in range ``1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00`` -- ``10889-08-02 05:31:50.655 +00:00``. UUIDv7 without any bit change can be converted to a ULID. Use ``toUlid()`` for that:: toUlid(); var_dump($ulid->toString()); // 01H44Q8TJ8EP0B9GNZKB6YF4J0 var_dump($ulid->toRfcFormat()); // 01890974-6a48-7580-b4c2-bf9acde79240 Version 8 --------- ``Arokettu\Uuid\UuidV8``. This is a special version for custom UUIDs. The class can be extended:: isUuidV7Compatible()); // true $uuid = $ulid->toUuidV7(); var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 01890974-6a48-7580-b4c2-bf9acde79240 var_dump($uuid->toBase32()); // 01H44Q8TJ8EP0B9GNZKB6YF4J0 // Just a random ULID $ulid = UlidParser::fromBase32('01H44RDYXJPFCF895N3BBXCZRC'); var_dump($ulid->isUuidV7Compatible()); // false // $uuid = $ulid->toUuidV7(); // UnexpectedValueException: This ULID cannot be converted to UUID v7 losslessly $uuid = $ulid->toUuidV7(lossy: true); // note digit 13 becoming '7' and digit 17 moving into [89ab] range var_dump($uuid->toString()); // 01890986-fbb2-73d8-b424-b51ad7d67f0c var_dump($ulid->toRfcFormat()); // 01890986-fbb2-b3d8-f424-b51ad7d67f0c var_dump($uuid->toBase32()); // 01H44RDYXJEFCB895N3BBXCZRC var_dump($ulid->toString()); // 01H44RDYXJPFCF895N3BBXCZRC .. _RFC 9562: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9562 .. _ULID spec: https://github.com/ulid/spec