Compatibility Notes ################### PHP === .. note:: Random Extension doc on the PHP website: The library aims to be compatible with ``ext-random`` as released in PHP 8.2.0 and subsequent patch releases. The library will not be a full replacement for ``ext-random`` and total compatibility does not seem to be achievable. Available classes: * This polyfill: * `Random\\Randomizer `__ * `Random\\Engine\\Mt19937 `__ * `Random\\Engine\\PcgOneseq128XslRr64 `__ * `Random\\Engine\\Xoshiro256StarStar `__ * From `symfony/polyfill-php82 `__: * `Random\\Engine `__ * `Random\\Engine\\CryptoSafeEngine `__ * `Random\\Engine\\Secure `__ Version 1.99.0 ============== Version 1.99.0 is an empty package for PHP >= 8.2. It ensures that no overhead or extra code will be used for PHP 8.2+ apps. Known differences ================= These differences are considered to be permanent features. However if you know how to fix them, ideas are welcome. Serialization ------------- * Serialization is only compatible if done in PHP 7.4 and later. * Serializable entities implement ``\Serializable`` for controlled serialization in PHP 7.1 - 7.3. * Entities serialized in PHP 7.1 - 7.3 can be unserialized with the polyfill under any version of PHP but will not be unserializable by the native extension. * Serialization in PHP 7.1 - 7.3 will trigger a warning. Silence it with ``@`` if you don't care. * Does not throw in GH-9186_ case but also does not create a dynamic property (PHP 7.4+) Undefined behavior for PHP <7.4 (returns false with a warning for the given code) .. _GH-9186: Randomizer ---------- * ``pickArrayKeys()`` messes a lot with the internal structure of the PHP hash tables and therefore may produce different results in the userland. Example from `Tim Düsterhus`__: .. code-block:: php 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4, 'e' => 5, 'f' => 6, ]; unset($a['b']); $b = [ 'a' => 1, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4, 'e' => 5, 'f' => 6, ]; var_dump($a === $b); // bool(true) var_dump( $r1->pickArrayKeys($a, 1), // native: [ 0 => 'e' ], lib: [ 0 => 'd' ] $r2->pickArrayKeys($b, 1), // [ 0 => 'd' ] ); The interpreter operates on the actual hash table that looks different for these arrays. The lib "repacks" arrays and therefore returns ``['d']`` in both cases. .. __: * using ``pickArrayKeys()`` will trigger a warning if the engine is not CryptoSafeEngine. Silence it with ``@`` if you don't care. Mt19937 ------- * Generating integers with ``$max - $min >= mt_getrandmax()`` with ``MT_RAND_PHP`` is considered undefined behavior. This library is consistent with PHP 8.2 behavior, not the version it runs under. Warnings -------- For obvious reasons, native extension produces ``E_WARNING`` and the library produces ``E_USER_WARNING``.