Addresses ######### .. highlight:: php Classes ======= There are 4 classes representing addresses: ``Arokettu\IP\IPv4Address`` IPv4 address ``Arokettu\IP\IPv6Address`` IPv6 address ``Arokettu\IP\IPAddress`` Common factory methods with version autodetection ``Arokettu\IP\AnyIPAddress`` An interface meaning both ``IPv4Address`` and ``IPv6Address`` Factories ========= ``fromBytes()`` --------------- * ``Arokettu\IP\IPv4Address::fromBytes($bytes)`` * ``Arokettu\IP\IPv6Address::fromBytes($bytes)`` * ``Arokettu\IP\IPAddress::fromBytes($bytes)`` Creates an object from a byte representation (such as created by the ``inet_pton()`` function):: ``. :: compare($ip1) > 0; // $ip2 > $ip1; true Equality -------- Also exists in 3 versions: * ``strictEquals($address)`` does not allow mixing of IP versions * ``nonStrictEquals($address)`` allows mixing of IP versions, IPv4 and IPv6 are never equal to each other * ``equals($address, $strict = false)`` calls one of the above depending on $strict Returns ``boolean``. :: equals($ip1); // $ip2 == $ip1; false ``toString()`` -------------- Returns the canonical string representation of the IP:: toString(); // ``getBytes()`` -------------- Returns the byte representation of the IP:: getBytes()); // 7f000001