Gregorian Calendar ################## .. highlight:: php .. note:: Gregorian calendar: Proleptic Gregorian calendar is the default calendar of the library. Years are assumed to be in the astronomical notation. (``1 AD`` is ``1``, ``1 BC`` is ``0``, ``2 BC`` is ``-1``) The date range is ``-5884323-05-15`` to ``5874898-06-03`` for a 32-bit system and ``-25252734927771267-04-30`` to ``25252734927761842-06-20`` on a 64-bit system. Factories ========= You can create an instance of date from either date components or a ``Y-m-d`` string format (years can be negative):: getDay(); // 21 $date->getMonth(); // Month::December $date->getMonthNumber(); // 12 $date->getYear(); // 2012 $date->getDateArray(); // [$y, $m, $d]: [2012, 12, 24] $date->toString(); // Y-m-d: 2012-12-24